[XTR] User Stats

[XTR] User Stats 1.0.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.3
Additional requirements
XenForo 2.3.x
PHP 8.0.x (8.2 recommended)
Visible branding
Hello everyone,

We are excited to offer you the [XTR] User Stats add-on, a fantastic tool to stylishly display your users' statistics on your forum, completely free of charge.

This add-on works seamlessly with XenForo's widget system and is fully customizable. You can easily adjust its colors and design using the style properties.

Compatible version: XenForo 2.3.x

The add-on collects users' profile information and statistics in a single widget and displays them in designated areas.

  • Profile Picture: The user's profile picture is displayed on the top-left corner.
  • Username: The user's name is displayed prominently next to their profile picture.
  • User Rank: The user's rank in the forum is displayed in a smaller font below their username.
  • Join Date: The date the user joined the forum is shown with a calendar icon.

Various personalized statistics for the user are displayed:

  • Private Messages: The number of private messages the user has received.
  • Notifications: The number of unread notifications the user has.
  • My Threads: The total number of threads the user has created.
  • All Posts: The total number of posts (messages) the user has made.
  • Unread Threads: The number of threads the user has not yet read.
  • Watched Threads: The number of threads the user is following.
  • Reaction Score: The total reaction score the user has received from other members.
  • Points: The total points the user has earned in the forum.
  • Resources: The number of resources the user has shared.
  • Products: The number of products the user has purchased or owns.
  • Profile Views: The total number of times the user's profile page has been viewed.

At the bottom of the widget, there is a clock that displays the current time for the user.

  • Fully Customizable: Colors, fonts, and other style options can be adjusted using XenForo's style properties.
  • XenForo Widget System Support: Can be added as a widget to any area (e.g., forum homepage, sidebar, or a custom page).
  • Lightweight and Optimized: Designed to be performance-friendly.

The [XTR] User Stats add-on allows you to present your users' forum statistics in a detailed and aesthetic way. It's a great way to give your forum a professional look and enhance the user experience. We highly recommend giving this add-on a try!

If you'd like more information about the add-on or need help with installation, feel free to let us know in the comments! 😊
  • style-properties.webp
    17.4 KB · Views: 181
  • user_stats.webp
    17.5 KB · Views: 179
  • widget.webp
    34.6 KB · Views: 179
  • widget-2.webp
    55.4 KB · Views: 170
  • Like
Reactions: RaPoRSuZDeLi
First release
Last update


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