XFRM Update Announcement Thread

XFRM Update Announcement Thread 1.2.0

No permission to buy (€10.00)
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
Updates duration
1 year
  • XenForo > 2.1

Create new announcement's thread in specific forum when resource is updated or created
You can define options for each resources category

Resource creation thread.webp

  • Multiple global options
    • Enable annoucement thread
    • Resource creation options
      • Destination forum
      • Thread subject (with variables usage)
      • Thread message (with variables usage)
    • Resource creation options
      • Destination forum
      • Thread subject (with variables usage)
      • Thread message (with variables usage)
  • Override each options per resource category
Install/Uninstall instructions
The readme is available HERE.
  • Option 1.webp
    Option 1.webp
    30.2 KB · Views: 201
  • Option 2.webp
    Option 2.webp
    28 KB · Views: 195
  • Resource Category edit - resource creation.webp
    Resource Category edit - resource creation.webp
    41.1 KB · Views: 192
  • Resource Category edit - resource update.webp
    Resource Category edit - resource update.webp
    42.7 KB · Views: 213
  • Resource update thread.webp
    Resource update thread.webp
    22.8 KB · Views: 212
First release
Last update


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Latest updates

  1. Update

    New feature: Add {resource_tagline} in thread message on update
  2. New feature

    Add resource owner username in thread message as parameter. Add resource owner profile link in...
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