XenForo Server Setup Guide Part 1 (CentOS, OpenLiteSpeed, Percona) (With Pictures!)

XenForo Server Setup Guide Part 1 (CentOS, OpenLiteSpeed, Percona) (With Pictures!)

Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.0
  2. 1.1
  3. 1.2
Pre-Word and Disclaimer
This guide may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part with out the express written permission of Slavik at XenForo.com. The author takes no responsbility for any steps, in part, or in whole, undertaken by users of this guide and does not guarantee against any losses, material or...
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 9 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Small updates

    Small updates. Cleaned out no longer needed steps.
  2. Updates to be more-release independent.

    Removed the hardcoded openlitespeed file downloads and replaced with yum commands in order to...
  3. Minor update

    Changed links to use Litespeed 1.0.1

Latest reviews

Everything I needed for my brand new dedicated server! Thank you!
Great information...Thanks
Excellent tutorial!
Thanks for time and effort
Very helpful and well done! Works beautifully! Looking forward to part 2 and php configuration!
Top notch guide. Everything works exactly like the guide. Can't wait to see the next parts.
Well presented and very easy to follow.
This is the exact configuration I have been considering for my new linode configuration. Can't wait for part two!
thanks ^_^ waiting the next part , and wait for the php configuration part
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