Widget Threads Enhancement

Widget Threads Enhancement 2.1.5

No permission to buy ($30.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 8 reviews

This is a must-have add-on for my sites. Love the way you can define a custom template to format the widgets. Genius!
"THE BEST" add-on to extend the basic functionality of a post/thread widget. Open to suggestions and attentive support.
Better than the default widget implementation, that's for sure. It would be worth it to me just for the "Load more" feature on new thread widgets and the auto-refresh. Being able to show content from only certain forums and to only certain user groups is a definite bonus, too, in addition to some other features not available by default. Encountered a problem not too long after installing it, that most people would probably never have run in to, and truonglv was very quick to fix it, as usual. Two thumbs up
Really solid widget. There any many features to display threads widget anywhere with lots of option for UI and filters.
Amazing add-on! I asked Truonglv to add the ability to filter out prefixes and it was available within 2 days. Superb!
I was looking for that add-on since a long time, truonglv is fixing every report bug very fast, thank you!
extends the widget options in a few much needed ways. hoping for even more development and options in the future
Affordable price, rich customization options, different nodes display different content, quickly fixed my feedback error.
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