View Sticky Threads

View Sticky Threads 2.0.5

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 4 reviews

Very helpful when you need to only let application reviewers to see the applications, instead of the public. Works great and as intended!
Works perfectly, allows me to hide other user threads and still have staff instruction threads visible. Should be built in functionality!
There are cases where you don't want your users to see the threads of a forum. But you want to see them the sticky thread, because that will hold the relevant information you want them to see, like why they cannot see the threads in this forum. And the core software cannot let you to not display the threads but display the sticky thread. They can either see all threads not none at all. With this new permission you can make them to see only the sticky thread. Thank you.
Active and much helpful! would recommend this to anyone! thanks you much of your time. Also it's a great addon to my website <3
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