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Template Tools for Admins (now including Admin Template Search) 1.1.0

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 11 reviews

As a beginning admin in XF, finding the precise data you want can be a bit overwhelming at times. It is so convenient to be able to Filter-Out the excess of what you are *not* looking for.

This is an add-on that Admins will find very handy.
Works great!
Such a useful addons! Thanks Chris!
Top-notch as always. Must have tool for developers!
This makes working with templates so much easier, another superb add-on from Chris
Man, I wonder how XenForo expected people to properly translate their forum software without a search function for admin templates. This add-on is incredibly useful.
Excellent, thanks!
works great. saves a lot of time.
Chris D
Chris D
Thanks DRE :)
You are just too kind. Please don't ever stop making add-ons.
Chris D
Chris D
Right back at'cha :)
Very useful, thanks!
Chris D
Chris D
You're welcome lasertits!
This is an excellent feature for style creators. Awesome.
Chris D
Chris D
And add on devs ;)
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