Signature Once

Signature Once 2.0.8

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 7 reviews

Simple and effective, I run a car base forum and the vendors signatures can make things pretty messy, this fixed it in seconds.

Great Addon.
Works perfectly and easily installed with nothing more to change/edit. Very useful if your forum allows signatures with images.
Perfect add-on, I faced an issue and TickTackk resolved it, The add-on working perfectly. Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you very much for you work! Now it works perfectly, Very good addon to reduce page load. Excellent addon!
Simple and great.
Just a bit confusing in order to know how to activate "once per page" instead of "once per thread". Just uncheck the "If checked, user's signature will be only be shown once per thread" option and done :)
Maybe just add another sentence "If unchecked, user's signature will be only be shown once per page", but obviously just for folk like me ;)
Thanks! Great addon!
Works perfectly for what I needed of once per page, thanks for working on this! 😎 The override option may come in handy as a "plus" for some user groups.
Appreciate the review ^^
Just installed at demo site to be sure it is working. For now everything seems to be okey. Many thanks for this great addons.
Appreciate the review ^^
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