This release can be upgraded using the Add-On Installer by Chris Deeming
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This addon allows you to sticky the first post in a thread so that it appears on top on all pages. This is permission controlled, so only allowed users can sticky the first post. Also, you can choose to make it a default for a particular node of your choice.
-Stick first on post so it appears on all pages
-Permission controlled
-Choose default nodes where addon is enabled by default
-Fully integrated in the XenForo system, options appear
wherever XenForo system moderation actions appear.
-Comes with 4 preset layouts to format first post to differentiate threads with stuck post-Can apply above formatting for threads without stuck posts
-Icon in threads list to show threads that have the first post stuck
Admin Options:
Once installed, there are a number of options and customisations available for you.
-First go into the options, here you can choose in which threads you want to enable sticking the first post as default. Users with permissions to stick/unstick posts will not see this option but post will be stuck, those with adequate permissions can alter the state.
-You can choose to stylize first post in threads with stuck and/or threads without stuck posts, along with the layout to use.
-Choose to show the first post stuck status icon in thread list
-Enable TMS. If you have TMS itis recommended to use it although not necessary. If you don't, no need to worry, read the usage section.
Use Add-On Installer by Chris Deeming or the following:
- The zip file contains an "upload" folder. Upload the contents of the folder in the root XF folder, thereby creating a library/StickyFirstPost directory & a styles/StickyFirstPost directory on your server.
- The zip file contains a "addon-StickyFirstPost.xml" file. Import the appropriate XML in your Admin CP.
Once installed the first thing you have to do is give permissions to the users you wish to allow to stick posts.
If you chose manual layout head to 'Style Properties'. You will see two new groups here, namely:
1. Sticky First Post - Message Elements
2. Sticky First Post - Message Layout
You can set the properties for individual elements here and produce a first post style of your own. If you wish, you can also edit certain elements of the preset layouts by overriding them with your own style options.
If you have TMS installed, it is recommended to turn on the option although it is not require for the most part. TMS will be required {b]only[/b] if you wish to show user info elements besides username and title in the manual or preset layouts. If you have TMS this will be installed by itself. If you don't you will have to do the below modification:
In the message_user_info template:
1. Wherever you see "@messageShowSomeField"
2. Right below in <dl class="pairsInline"> add SomeField next to pairlnLine
Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="@messageShowRegisterDate">
<dl class="pairsInline">
Rich (BB code):
<xen:if is="@messageShowRegisterDate">
<dl class="pairsInline RegisterDate">
You will have to do this in around 8 places in this template for these fields:
Do not do it for this field: @messageShowCustomFields
Finally, all users of XenPorta, you will have to edit on one file, library\EWRporta\ControllerPublic\Thread and in the function actionIndex. You have to remove the below lines.
if (!empty($response->params['page']) && $response->params['page'] > 1)
The developer of XenPorta (Jaxel) has been consulted on this and this is safe to be removed, the next update of XenPorta will remove this be default.
Technical Details:
- This addon adds a column to xf_thread which will be removed on uninstall and has no permanent effect.
- As such, this addon can be disabled or uninstalled very easily without any lasting effects
- If you have Template Modification System, this addon will install 1 modifications.
To report any bugs please feel free to contact the developer and also submit the bugs at Sticky First Post | RAID101
To suggest new features/more sorting options please feel free to contact the developer or submit your requests at Sticky First Post | RAID101
Thank you to all the members over at xfShowcase for assisting in the testing of this addon.