[OzzModz] What's New Tweak

[OzzModz] What's New Tweak 2.2.1

No permission to download
Changed name to [OzzModz] What's New Tweak
Added new developer URL
Added minimum requirement of XF 2.1
Announcement: I'm no longer able to maintain this (free) add-on.
The reason for this is that I have other priorities and providing these kind of add-ons no longer fits.

The resource will be available for download until the 1st of September.
If you are a developer and want to take over and continue this add-on, please contact me.
  • Added option "Enable refresh time by default". This controls the default behavior of the auto refresh function for first-time users (eg. no cookie is set).
  • Added option "Hide the What's new item from navigation bar":

  • Added option "Change Mobile view lightning bolt so it points to whats-new/posts":
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Reactions: vwts
  • Added support for: new profile posts, news feed and XF Media Gallery
  • Refresh function also added to the 'Latest activity' page (requested by @Joe Link).
  • Code cleanup: Now using native XF cookie handling instead of using a third party library. This will create a new cookie and reset existing user refresh settings to default.
  • Upgrade notice: After the upgrade you can safely remove the directory jscookie located in js/MrJinx/vendor/ as it is not needed anymore!
  • The "What's new" option that keeps the tab highlighted will now work with any add-on that uses new content, like XFRM, XFMG and third-party add-ons.
  • Code cleanup.
  • Added support for XFMG (finally)
  • What's new tab is selected when showing 'New media', 'New media comments' and 'New profile posts'
  • If you choose to hide the extra nav bar, it will be hidden for all What's new items:
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Reactions: vwts
  • Added permission to enable/disable auto refresh feature for usergroups
This add-on can now be downloaded and used for free. No branding! Have fun ...
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Reactions: Masetrix
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