[OzzModz] Gamer Profiles

Unmaintained [OzzModz] Gamer Profiles 3.0.0 Patch Level 1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.2
You may not redistribute the addon in whole or in part.
Updates duration
Lifetime for Xenforo versions listed above
Visible branding
XenForo 2.2+

This add-on is only compatible with XenForo 2.2.

If you want a profile added immediately, I charge $25-$35 per profile.

This add-on is a port of GamerProfiles - PixelExit.com, which @Steve F has kindly allowed me to release.

This add-on makes use of the custom user fields by allowing your users to input their various gamer tags from the games they play. It can be configured to use certain gamer profiles if you do not wish to display them all. Simply look in the style properties [AH] Gamer Profiles for settings for displaying what icons you would like. If you have a suggestion mention it and I'll see about adding it. This add-on supports sites running SSL as well, mainly the linked images.

Supported Profiles
  • Steam
  • PlayStation
  • Xbox
  • Origin
  • Oculus
  • Battle.net
  • Epic Games
  • Second Life
  • Discord
  • Guilded.gg
  • Twitch
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
The following are default in XenForo
  • Facebook
  • Skype
  • Twitter
Set what icons to display and set permissions to view.
  1. ACP -> Groups & Permissions -> User Group Permissions
  2. ACP -> Style Properties -> [AH] Gamer Profiles
There is a permission used to limit the view of member's gamer cards on profiles and also a permission to disable viewing of profile icons per group.


When enabled and the user has said field filled in with their id's icons will be displayed in various locations. Also the display of a Gamer Card is supported with Steam, PSN, Xbox Live.


Member tooltip - Supports profile banners:
Screenshot_2020-10-07 test(1).png
Screenshot_2020-10-07 test.png

Member profile - Supports profile banners:
Screenshot_2020-10-07 Matthew(3).png

Screenshot_2020-10-07 Matthew(2).png

Gamer cards:

All the icons are SVG's which allow easy customization of the color and size across all the icons. If you switch to swap out any of the icons for another SVG or FontAwesome icon, you can do so in the "ah_gamerprofiles_svg" template.

Screenshot_2020-10-07 [AH] Gamer Profiles XenForo - Admin control panel(1).png

  1. Follow the standard add-on installation procedures.
Related resources
  • error.webp
    10.8 KB · Views: 749
First release
Last update


4.33 star(s) 6 ratings

More resources from Painbaker

Latest updates

  1. [OzzModz] Gamer Profiles for XenForo 2.2+ Update 3.0.0 Patch Level 1

    3.0.0 Patch Level 1 Added linking to profiles for the following: Epic Discord YouTube Facebook...
  2. 3.0.0 Release

    Since I haven't found any major bugs, I'm moving this add-on out of beta. This is ready to use...
  3. 3.0.0 Beta 2 Release

    This is the second beta of 3.0.0. No major bugs have been found, but I did find an...

Latest reviews

An excellent add-on for a gaming community!! Ozzy keeps hitting it out of the park with his collection of amazing add-ons. Thanks!!!
Even when you don't have a gamer orientated forum this is a great addition, socials media icons are also shown now. And most people do have at least one gamer profile they could share.
Great addition to all forums, not just gaming. Allows for control over which accounts you want shown, as well as matching the colors to your site’s design.
Can't even fully uninstall this addon! Be aware! It'll leave fields behind! Argh! Really wish I had known this before hand.
This is one of my all-time best resources, matches so well for my gaming forum. I had slight issues at the start, and Matt was quick to provide me support and helped me. 10/10
Fantastic upgrade to an essential part of my forum. Tested on 2.1.0 Beta 2 and can't wait for 2.1.0 to go gold to upgrade live!
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