[MWS] Attachment Statistics

Unmaintained [MWS] Attachment Statistics 1.5.6c

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Fix a bug when Forum Specific stats are enabled, but no Forums are chosen.
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Reactions: Gonanda and StRonK
Increased the execution order on Thread listener.
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Fixed an issue with the Online page.

I've re-written the ControllerPublic / ControllerAdmin files, so after the update, you can delete:

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Reactions: Gonanda
This update provides support for CTA Featured Thread, along with extra locations for Widget Framework


Also works with my other add-on [MWS] Daily Statistics

Supported Widget Framework locations
  • forum_list
  • thread_view
  • forum_view
Update Instructions:
  • Download .zip file
  • Extra and Upload contents of the upload directory
  • Install with the supplied .xml file
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Reactions: Gonanda

Stats are now included in the Forum Statistics block in the ACP
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Reactions: KiF and Gonanda
As requested by @DJ XtAzY , I've added two new reports into the ACP.

Breakdown by extension type, and an optional count per forum (based on your own choice....disabled by default).




The breakdown by extension type is cached, and will be empty until the cron job has been ran again.
I forgot I removed the option to enable / disable the Attachment Statistics in the forum home stats block, so I've just added this back in.

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Reactions: Triops and Gonanda
Small improvement in this update now we can use TMC for admin templates also.
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Reactions: Gonanda
This update provides a new XML which is compatible with the new TMC XML option <public_template_modifications />
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I've re-done how the templates are inserted, and they are now done via TMC in XF 1.2

This should solve any issues with other add-ons using the same method to insert template code.

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Reactions: Gonanda
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