[Liam W] (RIP) Split Reply Permission

[Liam W] (RIP) Split Reply Permission 2.0.3

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Visible branding
This simple add-on adds 2 new forum permissions:
  • Post replies to own threads
  • Post replies to threads by others
This allows further granularity in permissions than the existing Post replies permission.

Note: The new permissions depend on the 'Post replies' permission. Please be sure to keep that granted.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 5 ratings

More resources from Ozzy47

Latest updates

  1. [Liam W] (RIP) Split Reply Permission for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.3

    Support: XF 2.2
  2. [Liam W] (RIP) Split Reply Permission for XenForo 2.1+ Update 2.0.2

    Changed addon title. Changed download location. Changed various url's to point to new developer.

Latest reviews

Great one, solved lot of problems with "facebookisation" of some threads :) Thank you very much for making and sharing this.
Thank you so much for making this plugin, it has really solved some issues for me on my forum. I hope XenForo offiically implement this into their software soon. It's really something that everyone expects to be able to have! You deserve 5 stars!
Works perfectly!! Thanks a lot. I hope they will implement this into the core of XenForo soon. Keep up the great contributions.
Very useful, thanks for sharing Liam. Vote to get it in the core here https://xenforo.com/community/threads/only-reply-to-own-threads.61259/
Great addon. At some forums, "Post replies to threads by others" extra permission is needed for me. In that case this add on is what I was looking for. Many thanks for sharing.
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