Jaxel's Sub Forum Grid Listings...

Jaxel's Sub Forum Grid Listings...

Almost 2 years ago, I wrote a guide on how to add sub forum grids to your forum listings. The template modification has been insanely popular on XF forums in that other people have made their own addons based on it... (some of them for $$, which pisses me off since I made this available for free). Now in XF1.2, Kier has recently put his own...
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I can't get how this isn't in the core and why the default grid listing is so simple and don't show more than 1 sub-level. Thanks for this Jaxel.
This is one of the things that make Xenforo great. Thanks to Jason, this works perfectly.
Thank you, Jaxel! So useful for me! You good teacher, all clear for me!
I think I have a man-crush on Jaxel. Well done.
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