Insert Attachment All

Insert Attachment All 1.4

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Reviews 5.00 star(s) 5 reviews

Worked perfectly, no issues whatsoever, set limit to 750 posts and it ran without issues. Thank You Andy.
This add-on does exactly what it says it does! It won't create duplicate attachment tags. Awesome, works great! Thanks!
Usefull, fast, secure. Used on 1.4.6 and converted 180 000 attachments without any problem. Awesome, another excellent add on from andy. Highly recommended
Works great with XF 1.3.2. Converted over 10000 attachments. Highly recommended.
Excellent, working fine, I just converted my 42900+ attachments in just 18 to 20 minutes with no danger of damage to my database.
5 Stars for this add-on
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