French Language Pack

Unmaintained French Language Pack 1.4.4#2

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  1. How can I contribute ?
    If you want to contribute, please use the Github page of this translation.
  2. What is the difference with the other French translation available on XenForo ?
    The other French translation is updated more frequently, whereas this one is only updated when I need it for my personal use or when a contribution would have been made on Github. So if you're just waiting to get regular updates, you should use the other one.
  3. The months first letter is in uppercase, how could I set it to lowercase?
    With the PHP date settings, there's no way to set the month in lowercase, XenForo doesn't have an option either, the XenForo class for localization can't be extended, so there's only one solution: css.
    You can put this inside your extra template:
       text-transform: lowercase;
    This will work in most of situation, but this will also work with all your languages. If you only want to target your French language(s), copy the below code and save it as an xml, modify your French language ids (check at this line:
    in_array({$visitor.language_id}, array(0,2,3))) and import it as a XenForo resource. Keep "0" if your default language is French.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <addon addon_id="extra_fr_css" title="Extra css for French language" version_string="1.0.0" version_id="0" url="" install_callback_class="" install_callback_method="" uninstall_callback_class="" uninstall_callback_method="">
      <template title="extra_fr.css" version_id="0" version_string="1.0.0"><![CDATA[.DateTime{
       text-transform: lowercase;
      <modification template="header" modification_key="french_extra_css" description="Extra css for french language" execution_order="10" enabled="1" action="preg_replace">
    <xen:if is="in_array({$visitor.language_id}, array(0,2,3))">
       <xen:require css="extra_fr.css" />
  4. What about trophies translation?
    They are not automatically translated to avoid any problems with boards that would be converted to XenForo. But here are some translations for the default trophies:
    Il y a une première fois à tout
    Pour recevoir ce trophée, il vous suffit d'envoyer un seul message sur ce site.
    Quelqu'un vous aime
    Une personne a aimé un de vos messages. Continuez ainsi et vous serez couvert d'amour !
    Ne cesse de revenir
    Vous avez déjà envoyé 30 messages. Il semblerait que vous y preniez goût !
    Ne peut s'arrêter !
    Et déjà 100 messages au compteur ! Que de chemin parcouru depuis votre premier message.
    Vos messages ont été aimés 25 fois.
    Le bien aimé
    Avec 100 de vos messages qui ont été aimés des membres, vous êtes irrésistible !
    1 000 messages ? Impressionnant !
    Les groupies du pianiste
    Vos interventions ont reçu 250 "j'aime" !
    Le bourreau des cœurs !
    Vous avez reçu 500 "j'aime"... Gare aux jaloux !
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