Force Custom User Field Completion after Registration or Login

Force Custom User Field Completion after Registration or Login v1.8.8

No permission to buy ($9.00)
What is "Check every page request?"

We recommend disabling "Check every page request" for production websites to ensure only one database call is made per session . However, under some circumstances you may wish to leave this option enabled.

The database call is relatively simple, but for optimal performance it can be disabled.
  • Disabling "check every page request" ensures the database query is only completed once per session
  • Once per session does allow a user to circumvent the system as follows:
    • Complete all "selected forced fields" (they're now valid for their session)
    • User could then revisit their preferences and <blank> out a field
    • This user would be able to continue to browse the site for the duration of their session because they've already been validated
    • On next login, they would be forced to complete any <blank> fields yet again
    • This is by design so that we make only one database request per session
  • However, if your field entry can never be blank then you must leave "check every page request" enabled
    • This option ensures no user can re-edit any selected field and leave it blank
    • If a user tries to edit a forced field and leave it blank they will be forced to complete the field on any page request
This option is enabled by default when you install the addon, but if "once per session" is good enough for your site requirements, like it should be for most sites, then we recommend disabling the option.
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