Fantastic Pro

Fantastic Pro 2.3.0 Beta 3

No permission to buy ($40.00)
  • XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 3 compatibility
  • The style changer feature has been removed. Instead, XenForo's built-in Style Variations have been included.
  • The add-on that comes with the theme has been updated.
We are delighted to release the Fantastic Pro style for XenForo 2.3.0 Beta 3.

Note: Please do not install the style , if you are using lower than XF 2.3.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.3.x

We would like to remind again that we are always with our customers, it is pleasing for us to find solutions to the problems they will experience together. Do not hesitate to contact us and / or create a support ticket. ;)
  • Upgraded to xenForo 2.2.15
Note: Please do not install the style, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.2.x+.

If you think need to help, you can contact us or create a support ticket.

We would like to remind again that we are always with our customers, it is pleasing for us to find solutions to the problems they will experience together. Do not hesitate to contact us and / or create a support ticket.
  • XenForo v2.2.13 compatibility.
  • All templates are now compatible with XenForo v2.2.13 Release.

Note: Please do not install the style, if you are using lower than XF 2.2.x
This version only support to XenForo 2.2.x+.

If you think need to help, you can contact us or create a support ticket.
In general, many bug fixes detected in the first version were made. Apart from these, font-awesome icons were placed instead of SVG images used for each forum title.

Adjustments have been made to the following templates:
  • xentr_core.less
  • xentr_body_header.less
  • xentr_icons.less
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