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Unmaintained Email Queuing Enhancements 1.1.1

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  • Fix a case where a failing mail provider could cause the loss of the initial email submission.
Bounce Email handling

Instead of hard disabling the account, this allows options which send emails to be disabled. Such as:
  • Forum Watch.
  • Thread Watch.
  • Conversation emails.
  • Changes Default settings to 'watch, no email' for threads.
  • Email on Tag (Conversation Improvements add-on).

New "Disable Email on" option (checkbox, default non selected):
  • On any soft bounce
  • Only on too many soft bounces
  • Only on a hard bounce
  • Added the option, under Email Options, to exclude a list of email templates from being forcibly queued.
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Bugfix for sending email via admincp
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Support for failed emails from XF 1.5's admin bulk emails to send to the failed email queue.

Bugfix for the error "ErrorException: Missing argument 2 for SV_EmailQueue_XenForo_Model_MailQueue::insertFailedMailQueue()"
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If email sending or email queuing is disabled (via config), this addon stops trying to process the contents of the email queue.
New option to queue all front-end email Option, or just queue failed email.
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Very minor code cleanup.
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