DownloadsII -> XenForo Resource Manager Importer

Unmaintained DownloadsII -> XenForo Resource Manager Importer 1.0.0

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Additional requirements
XenForo Resource Manager
Convert Threads to Resources addon
This addon was created in a collaborative effort between @Sadik B, @sadiq6210 and myself. It will import all categories and downloads (including linked files) from DownloadsII into XenForo Resource Manager resources.

As DownloadsII allows comments without ratings, unique comments per download will imported, however they will be imported with a bogus rating of 4 stars. The bogus rating is required as the Resource Manager only accepts comments with ratings.

DownloadsII category and files IDSs will be retained and the XenForo Resource Manager must contain no entries prior to the import.

Limited support will be provided for this addon and it is to be used at your own risk!

This addon requires the following
  • Convert Threads to Resources addon to be installed
  • XenForo Resource Manager addon to be installed
  • Valid vBulletin import archive log.
  • A forum to temporarily create threads (temporary threads will be deleted automatically
Before running this conversion, backup your site completely and perform a test import first! This means everything in the file system and your database.

If the import fails, you will need to restore your entire site (database and filesystem).

To run the importer, go to
Tools -> Import External Data and DownloadsII Importer
The importer requires the following parameters:
Archive Log: Name of the archive log that was created during the vBulletin -> xenForo conversion (e.g. archived_import_log)
Node ID: ID of forum where the threads will be temporarily created
DownloadsII Attachment Path: Path of where the attachments are stored
MySQL Info: MySQL credentials for the vBulletin database where DownloadsII is installed.

DO NOT select Retain imported content IDs!

As this importer is based on the Xenforo importer framework, you will be prompted to save the import log when you complete the import. Do not select this option and click on Complete Import to rebuild all threads and users.

Once this is complete, rebuild all the Resource Manager categories and resources (Tools -> Rebuild Caches).
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 4 ratings

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Latest reviews

Amazing, follow the instructions correctly and it works flawlessly!

thank you so much this was a massive part of our vbulletin forum, and we really needed this importer!
This is a life saver, works 100%. Many thanks very helpful to complete our vB to XF migration with the important downloads :)
Glad to hear :)
Simply awsome! Within several minutes our file archive was restored. We were waiting for this moment almost two years :) Thank you and your co-authors for that! 5 stars!
Installed, tested and didnt face any problem. I tried to import a big downloadsii database with >5500 files and it is working perfect.

Well done guys ..
Thanks for testing and helping to debug the addon! :)
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