VB Pro Garage -> Showcase Importer

Unmaintained VB Pro Garage -> Showcase Importer 1.0.0

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Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Additional requirements
Showcase 2.4.0
This addon will import all garages and associated garage images from VB Pro Garage for VB3 into Showcase items.
A thread will be created for each Showcase item and the following Showcase custom fields will be created:
  • Make
  • Model
  • Year
  • Color
  • Vehicle (see below for more details)

This addon requires Showcase 2.4.0 or higher to be installed and a valid vBulletin import archive log.
Limited support will be provided for this addon and it is to be used at your own risk!

Before running this conversion, backup your site completely and perform a test import first!
This means everything in the file system and your database.

If the import fails, you will need to restore your entire site (database and filesystem).

The Showcase category needs the Allow Items to be created setting enabled and have a forum associated to it.

To run the importer, go to
Tools -> Import External Data and select the VB Pro Garage Importer
The importer requires the following parameters:
  • Archive Log: Name of the archive log that was created during the vBulletin -> xenForo conversion (e.g. archived_import_log)
  • Showcase Category ID: ID of the showcase where the items will be created
  • Node ID: ID of forum where the threads will be created
  • VB Pro Garage Attachment Path: Path of where the garage attachments are stored
  • MySQL Info: MySQL credentials for the vBulletin database where VB Pro Garage is installed.

DO NOT select Retain imported content IDs!

As this importer is based on the Xenforo importer framework, you will be prompted to save the import log when you complete the import. Do not select this option and click on Complete Import to rebuild all threads and users.

Once this is complete, the newly created custom fields need to be added to the Showcase category where the garages were imported. Finally, rebuild all the showcase by going to Applications -> Showcase Rebuilds and select Rebuild Showcase Items.

The Vehicle custom field contains the concatenation of the make and model fields separates by a pipe "|" (e.g. Volkswagen|Golf). This field can then be used in conjunction with the Multiple Choice Fields by Waindigo addon to create a dynamic dropdown.

So if a user selects Volkswagen when creating/editing a Showcase item, a dynamic dropdown will be shown with only the Volkswagen models (e.g. Golf, Passat, etc). More info on setting this up can be found here
Custom Field Second Dropdown Based On Previous Dropdown's Selection | Xen Addons
Custom Field Second Dropdown Based On Previous Dropdown's Selection | Xen Addons

The vehicle custom field can be deleted if it will not be used.
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Reactions: MattW, oman and Bob
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