Convert image all

Convert image all 5.7

No permission to buy ($35.00)
Convert image all v5.7 changes:

Updated regex to fix issue with multiple IMG tags on same line.
Convert image all v5.6 changes:

Fixed issue with temp file cleanup.
Convert image all v5.5 changes:

Fixed issue with try / catch code.
Convert image all v5.4 changes:

Compatible XF 2.x versions: 2.3. Now supports Image optimization (WebP) function.
Convert image all v5.3 changes:

Attachment tables xf_attachment and xf_attachment_data are now updated more accurately to reflect original post date and post user id.
Convert image all v5.2 changes:

Fixed issue when multiple IMG tags were on the same line.
Convert image all v5.1 changes:

Now supports $config['http']['proxy'] function.
Convert image all v5.0 changes:

Now retains IMG bbcode options.
Convert image all v4.9 changes:

Now supports alt text in the IMG bb_code. Now excludes posts and threads which are not visible.
Convert image all v4.8 changes:

Now support hot linked images using Alt text in IMG tag.
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