
Carbon 2.2.15

No permission to buy ($30.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 2 reviews

A very slick dark theme, well designed and pleasing on the eye.
I installed it yesterday after using the default theme for a long time and it gives my forum a new dimension.
I had planned to update several of my sites to Artodia's gray/red Graphite style but they are not updating any of their styles to XF2. I need dark styles as my eyes are light sensitive, the darker, the better.

I use XF mostly as a blogging platform. I am forever scrolling up pages to use the search boxes. What really caught my attention in XenFocus' Carbon is that the element with the search box stays always visible at the top of the display.

Carbon is very dark, which is good, and I was able quickly to make 3 items shades of red to break the grey/black monotony.
Nice job on modifying the theme! Thanks for the feedback Mike, I appreciate it! :)
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