
Calendar 1.0.12

No permission to buy ($60.00)
Sorry for the delay here, personal commitments have been keeping me busy.
  • Fix a math issue causing RSVP alerts to be sent a tad earlier than expected.
  • Fix unexpected response from RSVP pages in certain edge cases.
  • Add the ability to require event locations on a per-calendar basis.
  • Minor SEO related improvements.
  • Ensure currently ongoing events are displayed when using the list layout.
  • Fix URL generation when trying to filter by featured events in a calendar.
  • Fix typo in "Your Events" URL.
  • Add some filters to pull past events within a given timeframe. This will be expanded over time.
  • Ensure view is registered when viewing profile events.
  • Minor under-the-hood improvements to RSVP lists.
As usual, you'll need to do some housekeeping straight after upgrading. I strongly recommend using Chris D's add-on install and upgrade to install this update to avoid potential issues with strict opcaches.
  • Head to ACP → Applications → Event Options and have a browse. Some options have been expanded or otherwise updated so make sure to re-save to avoid potential undefined index issues.
  • Include cover image information and other minor tweaks for metadata.
  • Add the ability to exclude users with no posts from birthday sidebar widgets.
  • Display cover images for events in sidebar blocks, where available.
  • Fix an issue where attendee limits would not be set correctly.
  • Apply thousands separator in a few places where it wasn't present.
  • Sort the featured events page by chronological order.
  • Fix typo in installer and make sure event image required column is added to the correct table.
Just a quick update with some changes I'd made on a different machine but forgot to merge in to the last release.
  • Include more metadata on event pages.
  • Properly display custom fields on the calendar list, if enabled.
  • Sort featured events in chronological order.
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Reactions: Mouth
Sorry for the delay on getting this version out. I have been away on business for a couple weeks. I'm back and I've got a nice little quality-of-life Calendar update with me. A couple pesky issues fixed and some other minor improvements.

As usual, you'll need to do some housekeeping straight after upgrading. I strongly recommend using Chris D's add-on install and upgrade to install this update to avoid potential issues with strict opcaches.
  • Head to ACP → Applications → Event Options and have a browse. Some options have been expanded or otherwise updated so make sure to re-save to avoid potential undefined index issues.
I will also be opening up testing for the XF2 version of this add-on very soon so if you'd like to opt-in to that, let me know. You must have an active license.
  • Throw a clearer error message when users try and save an event with no title.
  • More reliably sort events especially when they are recurring.
  • Add an option to control the number of responses displayed per page.
  • Add flood check support.
  • Avoid subtracting from zero values when deleting events.
  • Avoid duplicating add tags link when viewing an event's discussion thread.
  • Correct a typo with tag permission names.
  • Tweak find-new events page to only show upcoming new events.
  • Allow disabling of current date/time pre-filling when creating new events.
  • Add phrases for the mini calendar.
  • Display location under the time row when viewing a list of events.
  • Add the ability to exclude users with no avatar from birthday sidebar widgets.
  • Expose a class for birthdays so that they can be coloured and otherwise customised.
  • Ensure "Maybe" RSVPs are counted correctly when rebuilding events.
  • Rebuild next date cache for recurring events when rebuilding events.
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Reactions: Mouth and Triops
Apologies for the slight delay in getting this one out. I'd originally planned to release this last week but life happened and has kept me busy since. :)

To support some of the new changes and features, you'll need to do some housekeeping straight after upgrading. I strongly recommend using Chris D's add-on install and upgrade to install this update to avoid potential issues with strict opcaches.
  • Head to ACP → Applications → Event Options and have a browse. Some options have been expanded or otherwise updated so make sure to re-save to avoid potential undefined index issues.
  • If you're using the Google API integration, head to your Google Cloud Console and add the Places and Geocoding APIs to your existing application. This will allow you to use the new autocomplete location field.
And now, on to the changes themselves:
  • Show the calendar that an event is from when viewing user profiles.
  • Integrate with Google's Places API to provide an autocompleting location field.
  • If you have a Google API key set, fetch additional location data to prepare for future features. *tease*
  • If a user picks an end date before the start date for an event, handy informational text will now magically appear letting them know the start date was automatically adjusted.
  • Tweak vBulletin importer queries to better handle table prefixes.
  • Add the ability to display RSVP buttons in the header. Design is subject to change here and feedback is appreciated.
  • Add the ability to enable / disable RSVP alerts on a per-response type basis.
  • Ensure next date display for an event is correctly updated when recurring options are changed.
  • Minor improvements to bring the add-on inline with its upcoming XenForo 2 counterpart.
  • Allow events to be watched by users.
    • Watchers will receive notifications when key event information changes, i.e. location, start / end dates, etc.
  • Add more options for "More in X" / "More from X" blocks.
    • Configure number of events to display or hide the blocks entirely.
    • Configure length of snippets to display for either block.
  • Add support for the moderation queue handler.
  • Allow custom fields to be displayed on event widgets.
  • Send reminder alerts for people that have RSVP'd that they are going or might be going to an event.
  • Add alert preferences so users can opt-out of receiving RSVP alerts.
  • Include recurrence data in exported .ICS files.
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Reactions: Mouth and Triops
This release mostly encompasses some smaller quality-of-life changes, prep for the upcoming XF2 version and some bug fixes.
  • Slightly tweak exported .ics file names to avoid duplication.
  • Include RSVP status in the exported .ics file.
  • Add table prefix support to vBulletin importers.
  • Ensure [FS] Events importer actually appears.
  • Workaround a strange FullCalendar design decision that was causing some multi-day events to render incorrectly.
  • Tweak what events are considered "new".
  • Minor code improvements.
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