Audio Plus

Audio Plus 1.8

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Audio Plus v1.8 changes:

Updated PHP code.
Audio Plus v1.7 changes:

Improved PHP code.
Audio Plus v1.6 changes:

Minor change was made to the Custom BB Code.
Audio Plus v1.5 changes:

Fixed code in audio_plus.php file.
Audio Plus v1.4 changes:

Fixed problem with audio files greater than 192Kbps bitrate not working correctly.
Audio Plus v1.3 changes:

Fixed problem where more than one .mp3 attachment was uploaded, upon saving the post only the first attachment was inserted. Now all .mp3 attachments which have yet to be inserted will be inserted into the message upon saving the post.
Audio Plus v1.2 changes:

Fixed minor issue with extra "index.php" being added to URL when using non-Full Friendly URLs.
Audio Plus v1.1 changes:

1) Changed the code that is inserted into the message to a "Custom BB Code".

2) Improved PHP code to be more efficient.

Those who have been using Audio Plus v1.0 will need to update any posts to use the new BB Code. This can be easily done by editing and saving the post.
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