Animated online indicator (looks best on rounded avatars) 1.1

Unmaintained Animated online indicator (looks best on rounded avatars) 1.1

If you've decided on using this modification permanently, you can fix the "Оnline Now" tooltip position by editing the following line in the message_user_info template from this:

<xen:if is="{$user.isOnline}"><span class="Tooltip onlineMarker" title="{xen:phrase online_now}" data-offsetX="-22" data-offsetY="-8"></span></xen:if>

to this:

<xen:if is="{$user.isOnline}"><span class="Tooltip onlineMarker" title="{xen:phrase online_now}" data-offsetX="-7" data-offsetY="-8"></span></xen:if>
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