Abstract+ Dark

Abstract+ Dark 2.2.15b

No permission to buy ($5.00)

Reviews 5.00 star(s) 3 reviews

Well around really affordable theme, installed in seconds, some stylesfactory paid addon included. Stylesfactory being really responsive and supportive handling supports.
I needed to give my community a fresh coat of paint.

Updating from xenforo 1 to 2 was a much needed change, and I'm very glad to have found Abstract+ for this change. I've been able to bring the look of my community page from 2004 to 2022, and so far everyone's loving it. I'm still going through the sheer amount of options, and haven't hit any snags so far. If I do, I'm confident in the support provided through their discord; they seem quite responsive in the channels.
Thank you very much for your review. Im glad you like our work and support we provide 😀
Awesome style for a killer price, thumbs up :)

Already had the light version and liked it so much that I bought the dark one too.
Thank you very much for your review! I'm glad you like my work!
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