David Thomas
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  • Hi David. Just to say I'm enjoying your good sense. Was amazed you're a young guy - you come across very seasoned and sensible. LIKE.
    David Thomas
    David Thomas
    Haha, thanks. I get that all the time, especially when they hear my voice! Surprisingly, I look young than my youngest brother, who is 4 years my junior, so it sort of makes up for that. :P
    Long time no speak -- you do know who this is, right? Last time we spoke, we were running at each other with pitchforks. I hope you got over that one.
    David Thomas
    David Thomas
    Ohhh, comments!!! Anyway, yes, I know who it is (after clicking the Twitter link in your sig). I got over it. Unless you killed my dog, shat on its face, then spit on him, I usually get rid of grudges after 4 months or so.
    great post David ! finally somebody like you who speaks out what many of us think.
    Could not have said it better !

    Thank you !
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