My system was being detected as touch, as I use a touch screen at times. I disabled the touch support from chrome by going to chrome://flags, and disabled Touch Optimized UI and Enable touch events. Thanks for the help.
I'm not sure why this is happening, but it's been bugging me ever since it started. On all xenforo websites I go to, the tooltip is not working. It works on another windows VPS fine though. So I am assuming this is an issue with my computer/browser.
I don't remember this bit, since it took place over a year ago. I can always assist you with your issue over skype though. Please add me on skype @ yoshi9101.
Before I continued to disable mod_security, I looked at the logs once more.
[Fri Mar 01 04:35:53 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 40 seconds, referer:
[Fri Mar 01 04:35:53 2013] [error] [client]...
I have removed a couple of styles which I almost never used. I also changed the value for that config option to 20. Then I ran the rebuild process again. Sadly, same thing still happens.
While it's rebuilding the templates, it randomly stops and shows the following message:
An error occurred...
Whenever I try to rebuild from /install, it runs fine for about 5 minutes. When it starts rebuilding the templates, it suddenly stops and shows the following message:
"The requested page could not be found."
I have tried rebuilding over 10 times, and they have all failed. I also checked...
Whenever someone tries to upload a file though the forums, they get the following error:
In the server error logs:
Error Info:
ErrorException: move_uploaded_file(/home/********/public_html/internal_data/attachments/0/ [<a...
I just uninstalled an addon I recently added, did not solve the problem. Although I did switch hosts, and I used cPanel to import the database which caused a few tables to import with errors.
Table structure for xf_user_upgrade:
When I try to create a user upgrade, it shows this error message:
Server Error
Mysqli statement execute error : Field 'redirect' doesn't have a default value
Zend_Db_Statement_Mysqli->_execute() in Zend/Db/Statement.php at line 317
Zend_Db_Statement->execute() in Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php...
I own a minecraft server, and when people vote for my server it updates a MySQL DB with the number of votes they have. I would like a page, where it loads the votes from the DB then displays it in this format:
I am willing to pay. I can give more details later, when needed. If you have...