Recent content by Uniphix

  1. Uniphix

    Chat by Siropu [Paid]

    I would change it so that it uses Websocket, since that is so much faster and allows Real time chatting.
  2. Uniphix

    Chat by Siropu [Paid]

    Does this use AJAX or Websocket?
  3. Uniphix

    Master/Slave Database [Deleted]

    Is this still being maintained?
  4. Uniphix

    Permissions Guidance

    I am going to assume since no responses that this is over most developers out there area of expertise
  5. Uniphix

    Permissions Guidance

    Hello all, First of all, I need to mention that the system that I have designed is pretty heavily revolved a multi-client system. What this means is that all of our clients uses the same exact system throughout the entire website. That means 1 XenForo Installation across all of our clients...
  6. Uniphix

    Lack of interest XenForo_Locale Formatting

    Hi, I noticed that 'w' option when using XenForo_Locale::date($time, 'w'); would not output what day of week it was. So I suggest that 'w': is added via: case 'w': $output .= $dayOfWeek; continue;
  7. Uniphix

    Fixed I have noticed a bug with filter_list.js when it comes to filtering ajax with groups

    In filterAjax function find var $items = $children.filter('.listItem'), items = []; $items.each(function(i, el) { items[i] = new XenForo.FilterListItem($(el)); }); and replace with var $items =...
  8. Uniphix

    Can you Reroute Controller POST to another Controller?

    When a route is executed as a POST, ie for example register/register url structure. Question is can I reroute a controller Form POST to another controller. A good example of this is we have a way that our members can register through the registration process for a specific area, and paid for...
  9. Uniphix

    XenForo.context vs function .bind

    What is the difference the $.context (extended from jQuery via XenForo) function works like the function bind? for example... $('#element').click($.context(this, 'elementClick')); I can see that it would work best this above if your trying to reference a function...
  10. Uniphix

    Lack of interest Compilation of Phrases, Templates, Admin Templates etc. in Deferred

    Hi Mike, First of all thank you for looking into my code changes, you will notice what I did and why I did what I did. I took the concept of how the Import System functions and how it is able to insert hundreds of records quickly. Anyway that being said, If you look at the most recent post...
  11. Uniphix

    Lack of interest Compilation of Phrases, Templates, Admin Templates etc. in Deferred

    In XenForo_Model_Phrase::compileAllPhrases public function compileAllPhrases($maxExecution = 0, $startLanguageId = 0, $startPhraseId = 0) { $db = $this->_getDb(); $languages = $this->_getLanguageModel()->getAllLanguages(); $languageIds = array_merge(array(0)...
  12. Uniphix

    Lack of interest Compilation of Phrases, Templates, Admin Templates etc. in Deferred

    In XenForo_Model_Template::reparseAllTemplates and XenForo_Model_Template::compileAllTemplates /** * Reparses all templates. * * @param integer $maxExecution The approx maximum length of time this function will run for * @param integer $startStyleId The ID of the style to start...
  13. Uniphix

    Lack of interest Compilation of Phrases, Templates, Admin Templates etc. in Deferred

    The following code changes I have done are: In XenForo_Model_AdminTemplate::compileAllParsedAdminTemplates and XenForo_Model_AdminTemplate::reparseAllAdminTemplates /** * Reparses all admin templates * * @param integer $maxExecution The approx maximum length of time this function...
  14. Uniphix

    Lack of interest Compilation of Phrases, Templates, Admin Templates etc. in Deferred

    $startPhrase, $startTemplate, in both Admin Templates, Phrases and Templates really not sure why you guys aren't doing something like this SELECT phrase_id, title, language_id FROM xf_phrase WHERE language_id = ? AND phrase_id >= ? ORDER BY...
  15. Uniphix

    Lack of interest Compilation of Phrases, Templates, Admin Templates etc. in Deferred

    Okay I just realized that the sorting for rebuilding should be based on the phrase_id, and sorted by then and then add the next by 1. Using title we would need to find out what the next title in the phrase we would be doing otherwise it will never rebuild it...
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