Recent content by The Sorcerer

  1. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I contacted the author of the plugin, and he forwarded me a newer version which worked with no issues, except a couple of minor ones. That worked like a charm. I don't understand why the older version is available for download and not the newer one. The review rating has been changed. 5 stars...
  2. The Sorcerer

    XF 1.2 Xenforo db crash issue. Failed to restore

    Thank you so much! Instant fix! :D
  3. The Sorcerer

    XF 1.2 Xenforo db crash issue. Failed to restore

    I am unable to restore my xenforo. I've tried restoring the files and mysqldb but no joy. I am having the following error when I ran it on debug mode: Please help...
  4. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I am using XF Login with super admin access, but no joy.
  5. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    Thanks for your time, however I am not able to login to my WP page! :P. I am able to sign in and the default login page is automatically routed to Xenforo's login page. But my WP is showing 'insufficient permissions' when trying to access /wp-admin/
  6. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    Please check you PM. Thanks for taking the time, though I seriously wish the designer of the plugin also showed some activity. :(
  7. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    1. No Joy :( 2. No Joy :( 3. /community works but not wordpress. I added the memory limit line but No Joy :'-(
  8. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    No I still have the problem.
  9. The Sorcerer

    Add-on XenWord: A WordPress XenForo Bridge - Should I move forward?

    Yeah. No questions asked. I just bought it!:P But on a serious note, its something that a lot of people will benefit from it.
  10. The Sorcerer

    XenScripts WordPress to XenForo Bridge [Paid] [Deleted]

    I bought a branding free version, but I am facing an issue. Wordpress 3.8. I am getting the following error message after saving the plugin settings: Any help will be appreciated! :)
  11. The Sorcerer

    A forum for a PC Hardware Review site

    We're only into PC Hardware, hence the word hardware and BBQ because we benchmark and stress test a particular component, which reaches to a certain performance limit and therefore a lot of heat would naturally dissipate. So...BBQ! Yeah it doesn't really relate in the traditional sense, but a...
  12. The Sorcerer

    A forum for a PC Hardware Review site

    I started off by being a contributor in couple of Indian based tech forums and then I was trolled out after few years of endless contribution just because I started a blog to dump my old articles and reviews for archiving them. The sad part was that in a way I started to get a lot of readers but...
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