Recent content by Superfluous

  1. Superfluous

    XF 2.1 YouTube not included on approved media embeds?

    For anyone else who struggled with this problem and found their way to this thread the issue is orphan s9e addon rows were in the xf_bb_code_media_site table from before the upgrade - should have uninstalled it (rather than disabled it) before upgrade.
  2. Superfluous

    [TH] Latest Content Live Updates [Deleted]

    +1. I'm trying to replicate functionality I had on XF 1.* (finally migrating a large board) and this real time updates widget is a big miss.
  3. Superfluous

    User Mentions Improvements by Xon

    I'm trying to use this to stop @ user tagging in particular nodes, and for specific users who are abusing it to annoy people, when setting 'Enable User Mentions' to 'Never' it still seems to let me tag other users - is this right?
  4. Superfluous

    Template Hooks question

    Ok, here goes another one... I've spent hours trying to figure this out and I can't. I am currently redirecting users who are not logged in to a fake page which hides the fact that logged in members are using a forum - when using Fast-CGI as my PHP module header('Location: blah.php') works fine...
  5. Superfluous

    Template Hooks question

    That worked, thank you very much (y)
  6. Superfluous

    Template Hooks question

    Sorry to change topic, I don't want to go spamming threads everywhere while I keep asking silly questions. I'm not sure if it's possible, but I'd like a conditional way to disable 'includeTitleInUrls' option, but only for particular users who are logged in. I'm building an 'Add On' for a work...
  7. Superfluous

    Template Hooks question

    Thank you both. I have just achieved what I needed with the Template Modifications (didn't even know they existed!). I'm coming from a C# development background so I just have to get my head around the structure of Xenforo, and the syntax of PHP itself... One further question, in the guide...
  8. Superfluous

    Template Hooks question

    I'm just starting to try get my head around developing add ons. I've created an Event Listener which hooks a new template onto the existing 'message' template. In this existing template it inherits the variable $post from a loop in the parent 'thread_view' template (structure is 'thread_view' ->...
  9. Superfluous

    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    Had a play about this morning and got it working, without any extra http requests (I think!). I placed a blank div inside the ad_message_below template, with an ID for each message. <div id="ad-{$post.post_id}"></div> I already place an advert on the first post of each page, I put this in a...
  10. Superfluous

    Merge two Xenforo to one

    Thanks for the quick reply - just one question though which doesn't seem covered - will the data import of a new board merge cleanly with existing data (no issues with duplicate accounts, or other ids), or does it delete/overwrite any existing data?
  11. Superfluous

    Merge two Xenforo to one

    Hi Brogan, Sorry to bump this one - I've recently been looking into acquiring another forum which is based on IPB 3.4 - can you confirm if I will be able to merge users and posts (and presumably forums) with my existing Xenforo installation? Are you aware of any problems with doing this on an...
  12. Superfluous

    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    You're probably much more experienced than me with this kinda thing and may have figured out why this won't work, but I was thinking of having an empty placeholder <div> under each post with the ID of each post, a simple piece of javascript in the header will read the hash ID and populate the...
  13. Superfluous

    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    Yeah it will need to be dynamically loaded browser side.
  14. Superfluous

    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    No worries. If you make an update in the future it might be a cool function to enable ads on anchored posts (for instance when the likes of "#post-7495718" is at the end of the url the advert will be in post 7495718). When I get a chance I think I'm going to try implement some Javascript...
  15. Superfluous

    Digital Point Ad Positioning

    Ah, I only show ads to guests so I've been using incognito windows to test and it always appears as the first post, even when it anchor/hash tags to a specific post. Is this normal?
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