Recent content by RWHP

  1. RWHP

    Add-on Install & Upgrade

    Just did I will try it when finished. Thanks
  2. RWHP

    Add-on Install & Upgrade

    Trying to use I see this: Server Error This filter needs the zip extension Zend_Filter_Compress_Zip->__construct() in Zend/Filter/Compress.php at line 107 Zend_Filter_Compress->getAdapter() in Zend/Filter/Decompress.php at line 47 Zend_Filter_Decompress->filter() in...
  3. RWHP

    Hosting Recommendations

    I have negotiated a great discount to my friends of xenforo Use promo code : xenforo30 This will give you a one time 30% discount You can choose monthly or annual and still get the full 30% off Please notice that I have no affiliation and have put no affiliate code in url to direct members...
  4. RWHP

    Hosting Recommendations

    I have found the best way to measure your host and speed is to run the following command. You will be amazed at what some so called dedicated servers and wannabe FAST hosts are really providing you. Run this: dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync Post your results...
  5. RWHP


    For sure. I do nothing like that. I use Godaddy and while I don't care much for them they are fine for handling my domains and cheap with coupons and codes they send me. Hosting is another issue and for me at Barrett Networks it is all smooth sailing.
  6. RWHP


    16384+0 records in 16384+0 records out 1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 2.23856 seconds, 487 MB/s Just upgraded my VPS
  7. RWHP

    server upgrade new error

    I cannot login to disable it.
  8. RWHP

    server upgrade new error

    Yes I do. Will try
  9. RWHP

    server upgrade new error

  10. RWHP

    Rear Wheel Horsepower Forum

    I have figured out how to get 4k likes on fb by just being active, Over 100k followers by just making sure I follow relevant people and the rest will follow on twitter, but trying to get people to signup and become members is a chore. I have up to 600 guests at a time but getting them to become...
  11. RWHP


    Ante up. Who is in and for how much. I would pay $50 for a system that works.
  12. RWHP

    Better Blogs [Deleted]

    My better blogs entries do not show up in my rss. Is it possible to do this?
  13. RWHP

    New mod_pagespeed Apache module to optimize performance

    On Centos How to install mod_pagespeed? Step1 : Determine the Linux distros and the version on the server by using the following command: uname -a Step 2 : Download the latest version of mod_pagespeed from Lets consider a 64 bits CentOS...
  14. RWHP

    New mod_pagespeed Apache module to optimize performance

    You hate reading? you want to try out mod_pagespeed? you run a ubuntu or other debian based server? Well then just follow the following steps. get the binary package based on your architecture. (to check which one run “uname -m”. If it says x86_64, they you have a 64bit server) 64 bit. wget...
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