Recent content by rotozuk

  1. rotozuk

    WeitualUser -- Virtual Members crawling the site

    That is correct. I noticed that my cron did not seem to be working correctly. I then found these errors in the log. Interesting thing is that the cron.php works fine when loaded from a web site. I have a temporary fix using a web browser to reload the cron every 5 minutes.
  2. rotozuk

    WeitualUser -- Virtual Members crawling the site

    Hmm, I never got the cron working, it has been throwing errors all this time. Does this mean anything to you? .../cron.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory .../cron.php: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `(' .../cron.php: line 3: `$startTime = microtime(true);' This is my cron...
  3. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Very nice module - Well worth the trouble I gave myself. I think this could be expanded into more then just a news slider. I have it set up to promote user's threads, but ofcourse there is the issue that I have to add the slide image, users could later edit the slide.. etc. a version that...
  4. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    You are the best!! I never even noticed that ad modules feature down there! I knew I was missing something silly. Thanks all!!
  5. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Yep - my bad.. The results:
  6. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    My folder structure. Yes, I have used the xml install before without issues.
  7. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Yep did that: This is what I get everytime:
  8. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Hmm, I keep getting a read error if I attempt to use the XML install under 'install add-on'. The permissions are fine (644). There are other modules in that folder that appear to be showing up just fine. I'm missing the sliders and 'countdown' and 'coveritlive' modules. Open to ideas.
  9. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Any suggestions of getting my Portal working fully on the newest version? I went ahead and reinstalled the package and XML and am still missing the new modules. Am I missing some step? I have followed the install steps, and the portal does work, but the new modules for the recentaccordion and...
  10. rotozuk

    WeitualUser -- Virtual Members crawling the site

    Why do we need the virtual users group if it only shows as guest? Also, went ahead and set up the cron for every 5 minutes. Thanks!
  11. rotozuk

    WeitualUser -- Virtual Members crawling the site

    Weiyan, Just trying to confirm this module is working.. I have it set up with a user group with 10 users. I have it set for 30 guests per job, and 20 minute time span. What I see is an occasional "guest" viewing a thread and their is an IP of for that user. Is this your program doing...
  12. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    My cache is set to Zero, and has been for testing. I re-imported the XML from the server (rather then my local drive) and no changes. The modules are still missing. I'm currently reinstalling the entire portal with my fingers crossed. Update - No change.. Missing modules. Ideas?
  13. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Please see attached image. I do not seem to have this module, yet it is in my /library/EWRporta/block folder on the server.
  14. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    Yep - slide.jpg tested and the same results. Should I see the Recent Slider module? I do not. I see it in the blocks folder though. Also, while testing I pointed the recent news to an admin only forum thinking it would only be shown to admins. Nope, it will show all recent news to all groups...
  15. rotozuk

    [8wayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal)

    I must be missing something here. I upgraded and have been playing with the slider. I can not get it to work. Do I need to add a custom module? I do not see any settings in the "recent news" module. I have added a graphic named slider.jpg to the thread and it is simply displayed as a normal...
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