Recent content by Princ3

  1. Princ3

    XF 1.3 Problem after changing IP adres

    Yes very simple but it was very difficult to solve because I couldn't see the difference. On the file config.php I tried earlier to change the name localhost to the new IP adres. I figured it out that it was a mistake, because it always stays as localhost and it doesn't matter what your ip...
  2. Princ3

    XF 1.3 Problem after changing IP adres

    I can't even see that on the admin cp or somewhere else.
  3. Princ3

    XF 1.3 Problem after changing IP adres

    After my host changed my ip, they discovered that innodb was corrupted and a lot of sites I own, got corrupted databases. Then they used a backup from 3 days earlier and every one worked, only a xenforo forum didn't. This is the name of my community: You can see images like...
  4. Princ3

    [MODM] AjaxChat integration for XenForo

    i am getting this error: Query: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ajax_chat_online; Error-Report: Error-Code:
  5. Princ3

    Credits [Deleted]

    The bounty isn't showing on profiles. Instead of that I have a large space without anything on it.
  6. Princ3

    How to allow search engine bots to read threads with the forum closed for guests?

    Not sure but is it possible to do with the google adsense? What are the benefits of it? Is it possible to remove threads from public view instead of the whole node? Thank you for the answers I really appreciate!
  7. Princ3

    How to allow search engine bots to read threads with the forum closed for guests?

    When my forum was using Mybb I could give the search engines the access to threads even when it was closed.
  8. Princ3

    How to allow search engine bots to read threads with the forum closed for guests?

    I think the title explains itself. I want to have my new created threads on the results of google.
  9. Princ3

    Credits Premium [Paid] [Deleted]

    I am using the version 1.5.2
  10. Princ3

    Credits Premium [Paid] [Deleted]

    no, i upgraded to the new version. I upgraded premium from lite 1 month ago i think.
  11. Princ3

    Credits Premium [Paid] [Deleted]

    I am getting errors and people werent able to see some threads: ErrorException: Undefined variable: currencies - library/*******/Credits/Listener/Listener.php:127 ErrorException: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() - library/*******/Credits/Listener/Listener.php:127 Then I disabled the...
  12. Princ3

    XF 1.2 Some problems I have

    I can't see the moderator/admin bar on the top of the community and the user text block where the user's number of posts should appear or the registration day is missing the text. I would like see the links (personal details, contact details, etc etc) on the popup that appears when I hover over...
  13. Princ3

    Core - [Deleted]

    I just installed the theme core and I have some problems. First of all, I can't see the footer with custom links. I also can't see the moderator/admin bar on the top of the community and the user text block where the user's number of posts should appear or the registration day is missing the...
  14. Princ3

    XF 1.2 quoted text disappeared

    I was trying to change the color of the background of the area where the name of the poster is and suddenly I couldn't see the quoted text anymore :S
  15. Princ3

    Credits Premium [Paid] [Deleted]

    Can this work with the trophies system? I want to give trophies to people who reaches 1 million posts for example.
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