Recent content by phpclub

  1. phpclub

    Add-on JOB Board

    Any news?
  2. phpclub

    Allow moderators to ban users [Deleted]

    Hi Rigel! Please correct <phrase title="easyban_user_already_banner" version_id="100" version_string="1.0.0"><![CDATA[Banned for {hours} more hours by {banning_username}: {user_reason}]]></phrase> easyban_user_already_banner - easyban_user_already_banneD Also missing xen:prhase phrase...
  3. phpclub

    [bd] Rotating Ads

    Missng also /images/loading.gif
  4. phpclub

    [bd] Rotating Ads

    Not found /js/rotating_ads/nivo-slider/jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js slider not work
  5. phpclub

    XML Sitemap for XenForo 1.3 [Not needed, included in 1.4]

    XenForo 1.1.0 Beta 1 ================ Generating forums... Generating threads... -- Starting at -1 and generating 10000 urls... Generating index file... All done An exception occurred: Cannot send headers; headers already sent in , line 0 in...
  6. phpclub

    Hi Jamie Edwards! Kayako support xenForo authorisation (xf_user)? Any ideas?

    Hi Jamie Edwards! Kayako support xenForo authorisation (xf_user)? Any ideas?
  7. phpclub

    [8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

    Jaxel - may allow multiple values in the templates? Assing for {{label[]}} -> column 1;column 2;column 3;
  8. phpclub

    [8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

    Make table as Wiki - not working? {| |Orange |Apple |- |Bread |Pie |- |Butter |Ice cream |}
  9. phpclub

    Can I point several domains at the same xenForo install?

    For XenForo: Add to config.php Xenforo $config['cookie']['domain'] = ''; And set domain for global cookie =
  10. phpclub

    Sphinx Search Engine

    Replace /SphinxSearch/Search/Sphinxapi.php - (for v.0.9.9)
  11. phpclub

    Sphinx Search Engine

    Fix for Sphinx 0.9.9 - use old API from
  12. phpclub

    Sphinx Search Engine

    If installed Sphinx 0.9.9-release - not working searchd error: client version is higher than daemon version (client is v.1.23, daemon is v.1.22)
  13. phpclub

    [8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

    Bug!!! New page don't add to EWRcarta_search (add try - catch) After add new page - have error (Page don't found) XenForo 1.0.0 Beta 3
  14. phpclub

    [8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

    Big feature: UNDO (back to previous page)
  15. phpclub

    Duplicate Multi subdomain licences

    I have one instalation I want ** May be - make multi subdomain licences (**) One instalation, one DB.
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