Recent content by Ouard

  1. Ouard

    Liked content : recipient error

    Hello, One of our users received an alert "x_liked_your_post_in_the_thread_y" which was not to him. Like content is on previous post in the thread but writer of the post was deleted. Thanks
  2. Ouard

    Lack of interest XF2 - Ban words in search

    List of ban words in search is determined by code into method MySqlFt::getStopWords. But if you use a different language, this list is not true. In our case, for example, forum is about french banks. But some companies are named as "Hello Bank !" or "compte Soon". So if you try to search...
  3. Ouard

    XenForo Redirects for vBulletin

    This add-ons works fine but causes a bug when you want to copy a post to another discussion. TypeError: Argument 2 passed to XF301VB\Mvc\Router::getVbulletin4RewriteMatch() must be an instance of XF\Http\Request, null given, called in /home.../src/addons/XF301VB/Mvc/Router.php on line 72...
  4. Ouard

    Not a bug Lost custom user field in vBulletin 4 import

    Ok, thanks. Maybe, our vBulletin installation isn't standard. So, I personnalize import script for these fields.
  5. Ouard

    Not a bug Lost custom user field in vBulletin 4 import

    In file src/XF/Import/Importer/vBulletin.php, query selects profilefieldid > 3. // ####################### STEP: CUSTOM USER FIELDS ##################### public function stepUserFields(StepState $state) { $choiceLookUps = []; $profileFields =...
  6. Ouard

    Not a bug Lost custom user field in vBulletin 4 import

    When I import from vbulletin 4, profilefield and userfield was skipped. I have 4 defined custom fields in vBulletin and no one in xenforo after import. Thanks
  7. Ouard

    XF 2.0 Shortcut newpost of thread

    Hello, Is there a way to jump to the first post unread by user in each thread (as vb does) ? There is a shortcut for lastpost (in adding latest to the url of thread) Thx
  8. Ouard

    XF 2.0 Logs cron ?

    Hello, I wrote my own cron but I can't log actions of these. Can I log output cron ? And, other question, is it important to affect cron to addon ? Thx
  9. Ouard

    Fixed Import vBulletin4 : smileys error

    Hello, During vbulletin 4 import, an error occurs : ErrorException: [E_WARNING] DOMElement::setAttribute(): string is not in UTF-8 src/XF/Service/Smilie/Export.php:6 Details : #0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(2, 'DOMElement::set...', '/dir/...', 62, Array) #1...
  10. Ouard

    XF 2.0 Canonical for a post

    Thanks but the result is : ../threads/abc.6/posts?post_id=18 and not ../threads/abc.6/page-2#post-18
  11. Ouard

    XF 2.0 Canonical for a post

    Hello, I want to get the real canonical url for a post. Output of the next code is ".../posts/18/" but I want to get "../threads/abc.6/page-2#post-18" $app = \XF::app(); $router = $app->router('public'); $post = $app->em()->find('XF:Post', 18); echo $router->buildLink('canonical:posts'...
  12. Ouard

    XF 2.0 Thread & Posts number

    Thanks very much @AndyB. I didn't find this :oops:
  13. Ouard

    XF 2.0 Thread & Posts number

    Hello, We are currently migrating from vBulletin 4 to Xenforo. On vBulletin, we currently have 20 threads per page but 10 posts per page. Now, in Xenforo 2, the "discussionsPerPage" variable changes the number of threads per page, but also the number of posts per page. This is problematic for...
  14. Ouard

    Fixed Error when importing from vb4: Received Invalid utf-8 for string column [filename]

    Hello, I have the same error. I wrote a patch in file src/XF/Import/Importer/vBulletin.php $import->setDataUserId($this->lookupId('user', $attachment['userid'])); // Patch : problème encodage nom de pièces jointes $attachment['filename'] = $this->_getUtf8Cb(...
  15. Ouard

    Fixed Import vBulletin encoding / charset problem

    Hello, We are doing an import on same server. We try another import this morning, with "latin1" option in field "Force character set". We have always encoding problem. It's strange because some columns in db have a good conversion. For example, this is phpmyadmin capture of xf_node ...
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