We are currently migrating from vBulletin 4 to Xenforo. On vBulletin, we currently have 20 threads per page but 10 posts per page.
Now, in Xenforo 2, the "discussionsPerPage" variable changes the number of threads per page, but also the number of posts per page.
This is problematic for us about SEO.
Is it planned to decorrelate the number of threads per page of the number of posts per page?
thank you for your reply
We are currently migrating from vBulletin 4 to Xenforo. On vBulletin, we currently have 20 threads per page but 10 posts per page.
Now, in Xenforo 2, the "discussionsPerPage" variable changes the number of threads per page, but also the number of posts per page.
This is problematic for us about SEO.
Is it planned to decorrelate the number of threads per page of the number of posts per page?
thank you for your reply