NiCk Newman
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  • Oh I know I was going to leave it alone, but I remembered that you said bots dont count as online members.

    They actually do.
    Cat is a catlet now 14 weeks and the youngest of our 8 Cat clowder as a cat gang is called. Rhiannon is a Maine Coon so will be enormous one day but thankfully they are very good natured or I'd have problems! Already she is stronger than me. But social skills high - she already knows not to walk on the keyboard. CrazyCatLady - oh YES! Prrr.
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    Reactions: NiCk Newman
    NiCk Newman
    NiCk Newman
    LOL! i got 19 cats, :P and 2 dogs 1 in my pic lol
    OK OK I bow to superior numbers. Mind you I'd put my Maines and Siberians up against any size clowder - especially our Bosslady!
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