Recent content by Morgan

  1. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Thanks for updating this, I seem to have always been too distracted to get back to the work on it! Looks good, I'll have to poke around in it a bit in the future.
  2. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    I'll investigate but probably won't have anything for you until Monday. Weekends are too busy as of late!
  3. Morgan

    Unmaintained Steam Authentication & Integration - Administration Update

    Well, I bothered to figure out how to do more in XenForo Addons and now have the Administration Update! So here's the changes: Created Admin Tap & Prefix (Steam) All previous items under Tools were moved here Games List Click a game to see who owns what game & other details Top Owned Games...
  4. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Morgan updated Steam Authentication & Integration with a new update entry: Administration Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Morgan

    Browser issue Uploads don't work in Chrome & Linux

    Yes it does (as far as I noticed) and checking the "Find version" site from Adobe indicates they are both using the exact same version.
  6. Morgan

    Browser issue Uploads don't work in Chrome & Linux

    The file is on my local drive. All of this works just fine in Firefox but not Chrome (which is what I normally use -- except to upload files on XenForo).
  7. Morgan

    Browser issue Uploads don't work in Chrome & Linux

    Using Chrome 17 & 18 I have not been able to upload specifically releases to my resources while using Chrome on my Linux laptop. However, with the same OS using Firefox this is not an issue. The file selection properly works and appears to be uploading, however it never finishes.
  8. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Its in the Admin Control Panel and click "Tools". Steam is listed as a section which currently only shows the top 25 owned games.
  9. Morgan

    Unmaintained Steam Authentication & Integration - Bug Fixes

    The following bugs were fixed in 1.0.6 (oops): Visitors receive error when a notice implementing a Steam Game is defined Admin phrases not defined for Admin->Tools->Steam->Top 25 Games
  10. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Morgan updated Steam Authentication & Integration with a new update entry: Bug Fixes Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Morgan

    Unmaintained Steam Authentication & Integration - Game notices!

    Game notices and Tools now gained a "Steam" section (which will gain more capabilities later).
  12. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Morgan updated Steam Authentication & Integration with a new update entry: Game notices! Read the rest of this update entry...
  13. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Not certain how I feel about that. Given the purpose of Steam Authentication is to remove as many steps (or barriers) to registration as possible. Given that your leaning on Steam to be an identity provider that should be their password. Possibly should just make a custom e-mail to send the...
  14. Morgan

    Select Template Error

    Thanks! That worked and makes sense!
  15. Morgan

    Steam Authentication & Integration

    Given that the purpose of this external authentication is to trust other identity providers to perform authentication, the XenForo forum installation never receives this data and is entirely left up to the identity provider. Your XenForo install merely trusts the result of the Identity Provider...
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