Recent content by moccajoghurt

  1. M

    XF 2.2 Pass user authentication to embedded iframe

    I just want to pass the necessary cookies values via postmessage into the iframe. The client inside the iframe will then use the cookie to send a request to the forum as the user.
  2. M

    XF 2.1 Xenforo 2 variables

    Since this is the only thread you will find via google here is the answer to the original question: Put the following line into the XenForo-Template-Syntax and you will see all available variables:
  3. M

    XF 2.2 Pass user authentication to embedded iframe

    Hi, I am extending my forum by self-written web apps and embed them via iframes. I am not creating plugins because PHP is not my language of choice. I am currently facing the problem that I need to pass the xenforo user authentication into my embedded iframe so I have the ability to do things...
  4. M

    XF 2.2 Creating backups of root folder via rsync. Yay or nay?

    If I want a complete replication of my xenforo forum, I need to replicate the MySql database and the root folder containing all xenforo files. So my plan is to use rsync on the root folder and sync all files to my backup server. (I already have the MySql replication running). Is this approach...
  5. M

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to modify the PAGE_CONTAINER for specific user groups?

    I modified the PAGE_CONTAINER and added the google adsense link between the <head></head> tags in order to run ads on my forum. I'd now like to remove the link inside PAGE_CONTAINER for specific user groups. (The purpose is that some user groups shouldn't see ads). Is this possible?
  6. M

    XF 2.2 Is it possible to host XF asset files and the DB on a separate file server?

    I would like to host the MySQL DB and the asset files (gallery images, emojis, ...) on a separate file server. Is there a clear separation of XF source files that a responsible for handling the logic and resource files? If yes, which directories hold assets and can be hosted on the file server...
  7. M

    XF 2.2 Xenforo 2 docker development quickstart

    There is an issue with the php-fpm container:
  8. M

    Anyone hosting XF via Docker?

    Having a docker compose file for Xenforo would be fantastic. I am currently struggling to get it running. Would be awesome if you did that.
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