Recent content by justin kane

  1. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    That worked perfectly! Thank you!
  2. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    I appreciate your help. For some reason this widget is still not being displayed and I do not see any reference to it when I inspect element. Do I also need to reference this widget in the thread_view template or elsewhere to get this to render properly?
  3. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    Sorry, I did not explain myself very well... Removing the widget location DID make a change that stopped the similar threads from displaying, but the addition of the widget key in the location you mentioned did not render it. should it be outside that breadcrumb div?
  4. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    Thank you for the suggestion, i followed your steps and i see no change in the position: Also, you can see the similar thread widget has no position here:
  5. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    When I inspect the page (on my dev instance) I am able to move the Similar threads container below breadcrumbs and get the exact result i am looking for: Here is the HTML: My issue now is that I am struggling to find where that widget id 11 (the similar threads widget) is actually called...
  6. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    Not sure how that could be... Maybe an issue with me posting from the dark theme.... it was legible for me but when I switched to light it was as you described. Here it is copy/pasted: I am trying to move the breadcrumbs from the bottom of the page to move them above the "similar threads"...
  7. justin kane

    XF 2.2 Customize breadcrumb Location

    I am trying to move the breadcrumbs from the bottom of the page to move them above the "similar threads" container. It seems as though when I move them around within the page container they either move all the way to the top or all the way to the bottom. My site is here: MY SITE as an...
  8. justin kane

    XF 2.2 After enabling Friendly URL's Thread/Discussion Preview on hover no longer working

    We are on PHP 8.2.11, we have created one of our own add-ons that edits the thread view and we are looking into that but it was not an issue until we enabled the friendly URL's
  9. justin kane

    XF 2.2 After enabling Friendly URL's Thread/Discussion Preview on hover no longer working

    Hi Andy, Thanks for your reply. This was one of the first things we checked and this setting is enabled: Is there any other solutions we can try?
  10. justin kane

    XF 2.2 After enabling Friendly URL's Thread/Discussion Preview on hover no longer working

    This is after we were able to get Friendly URL's working from this post: Since then we have noticed the "hover" preview does not work. Here is a screen shot without friendly URL's turned on: Here is WITH friendly URL's...
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