Recent content by JoseLuisLAPS3

  1. JoseLuisLAPS3

    XF 2.0 Install problems

    Hi, recently i uploaded all the files into the server to start a fresh install, but i find this at start:
  2. JoseLuisLAPS3

    FAQ Manager by Iversia

    I have a problem with unregistered users. I want any unregistered user to ask a question and they have permission at admincp, but add-on wants the user to be logged to ask questions.
  3. JoseLuisLAPS3

    [8WR] XenRio (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    Can i set channels streaming from a PlayStation 4 like the app inside the console? (Live from PlayStation) If i can do it, can i filter by game? Channels from PS4:
  4. JoseLuisLAPS3

    How to create a simple real-time word count for editor?

    I see it, but i dont know if i need to code this as a javascript source or inside Xenforo. The best way to do it
  5. JoseLuisLAPS3

    How to create a simple real-time word count for editor?

    A little problem i found with the code. The event keyup don't fire with $('textarea.BbCodeWysiwygEditor'). How can i make this code fire?
  6. JoseLuisLAPS3

    How to create a simple real-time word count for editor?

    Nice, this is a good, but i need as you said some kind of "HTML code cleaner".
  7. JoseLuisLAPS3

    How to create a simple real-time word count for editor?

    Hi, i'm trying to create a simple word count for the XenForo editor via jquery but i don't know exactly how to access the DOM. I used this simple javascript code to access a normal input zone: function count(){ var words = $('#title').val().trim().replace(/\s+/gi, ' ').split(' ').length...
  8. JoseLuisLAPS3

    XenForo 2.0 Discussion

    Consider please a full CMS solution. Or at least a portal system
  9. JoseLuisLAPS3

    XF 1.4 How to configure routes outside xenForo scope?

    Is another option, but we want to know if we can do exactly i explained in the first post. :)
  10. JoseLuisLAPS3

    XF 1.4 How to configure routes outside xenForo scope?

    But Xenforo is installed at /foro/ directory , not at root. My question is about calling xenforo outside xenforo, for example (default xenforo) change to (goal) AND (default...
  11. JoseLuisLAPS3

    XF 1.4 How to configure routes outside xenForo scope?

    Hi, i have xenforo installed at root/foro but i have some specific threads i want to post without the foro/ route For example, i have a forum called 'noticias' (news in english). When i click on it, i see this on browser: And i want to tell server and...
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