Recent content by I.G.O.T.A.®

  1. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XF 2.2 Board URL option does not match the site URL?

    OK, I got this error and have reloaded and uploaded the new files, then I checked for an upgrade, and it still shows. Is there anything that I should be looking at, and is there a time frame until the licenses update? The site URL matches the board URL. Thank you, JJ Smith
  2. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XF 2.1 Full Size Images For Guests

    They are set to view and still does it small. Thank you, JJ Smith
  3. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XF 2.1 Full Size Images For Guests

    We are on the newest xenForo and when you are coming from say Facebook and click a link the image is small. I know I have to be missing something, but anyone got a good p
  4. I.G.O.T.A.®

    MG 2.1 Tags?

    I have no idea how I missed that, lol. Thank you, friend.
  5. I.G.O.T.A.®

    MG 2.1 Tags?

    How do you turn tags on for media? Thank you, JJ Smith
  6. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XF 2.1 Max image dimensions and max file size.

    Fixed it! Thanks so much for taking the time to help me. ;) God bless, JJ Smith
  7. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XF 2.1 Max image dimensions and max file size.

    I'm getting the same error and have the settings set to 5Meg. Any ideas what I need to change? Thank you, JJ Smith
  8. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.1 Errors

    Are you getting the exact same errors I did above?
  9. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.1 Errors

    We had to restart the server to get it working again.
  10. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.1 Errors

    I did and still doesn't work. Is there a guide I can follow? Thank you, JJ Smith
  11. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.1 Errors

    What needs to go in the Configure enhanced search? Thank you, JJ Smith
  12. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.1 Errors

    So my server was updated, and now I can't get it to turn back on. What is the best way to do this? I'm a newbie with this search program. Thank you, JJ Smith
  13. I.G.O.T.A.®

    XenForo Enhanced Search 2.1.1 Errors

    Getting these errors below: XFES\Elasticsearch\ConnectException: cURL error 7: Failed to connect to localhost port 9200: Connection refused (see in src/addons/XFES/Elasticsearch/Api.php at line 390 XFES\Elasticsearch\Api->request() in...
  14. I.G.O.T.A.®

    Site-wide failure

    Glad I backed up! ;)
  15. I.G.O.T.A.®

    Site-wide failure

    I see that now. Working to fix that issue. Thank you, JJ Smith
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