Recent content by HUHjdfhafuIIIY

  1. HUHjdfhafuIIIY

    XF 2.0 weird character & symbols

    Thanks—going to give this a try and report back.
  2. HUHjdfhafuIIIY

    XF 2.0 weird character & symbols

    Has anyone found a solution for this issue? I'm having the same problem. My admin had to upgrade my server to PHP 7.1, and the last couple of days I've noticed this character in many buttons, messages and form field placeholders.
  3. HUHjdfhafuIIIY

    XF 2.0 Where are the style properties for the blockMessage errors?

    I'm looking to customize the color of URLs that appear in the block messages on the login page. I've customized my login page with a link to a page where people can go to join the group: <xf:js src="xf/login_signup.js" min="1" /> <xf:title>{{ phrase('log_in') }}</xf:title> <div...
  4. HUHjdfhafuIIIY

    XF 2.0 How to remove Register tab from the top level navigation?

    Thanks, Evaelis! Is there a “best practice” way of registering new users for a private forum?
  5. HUHjdfhafuIIIY

    XF 2.0 How to remove Register tab from the top level navigation?

    I'm creating a private paid forum. I'd like to leave the registration feature enabled, but hide the registration links from the user interface. That way I can send the registration link to the user via email after they subscribe via my shopping cart. I found that with the setting under...
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