Recent content by fist34

  1. fist34

    Migrate old forum into read-only forum

    Agreed, but it is an immediate-term one that solves the problem well enough and for at least several years. If I lose php 7 at some point, I will probably just migrate the forum to XF. The other down-side to a static forum is that it becomes a lot harder to edit the dynamic content that does...
  2. fist34

    Migrate old forum into read-only forum

    Well, I started to do that. But the old vBulletin forum is based on query strings. You can't just scrape it with wget; you have to write scripts or at least a really good htaccess to return the right content. Thanks everyone for the feedback. In the end, my web host provided me with a better...
  3. fist34

    Migrate old forum into read-only forum

    I have an old vBulletin 3 forum that has been in read-only mode over a decade. Registration is disabled and users cannot log in to post. It exists purely as an information archive. With php 7 end-of-life and my web host wisely forcing us to php 8, this forum will no longer work. So I am...
  4. fist34

    Lack of interest Discouraged user option

    I would very much like to see an option to make a discouraged users' posts invisible to all non-admin users, similar to how the Tachy goes to Coventry option in vB worked. I realize I could easily delete all of their posts and ban them, but the reason I need this option is that my board is...
  5. fist34

    Cannot reproduce Missing characters in the editor in IE 11

    BTW I had the exact same problem here when I was posting my original message, but right now no keypresses are being lost. Since it was happening here, it's not likely due to something unique to my install, especially since I am not using a custom style...
  6. fist34

    Cannot reproduce Missing characters in the editor in IE 11

    Running latest version of XenForo. Default style. Oddly this seems to go away sometimes. I can't deduce a pattern. Also, list bullets are lost when I post as well.
  7. fist34

    Cannot reproduce Missing characters in the editor in IE 11

    My computers that have updated to Windows 8.1, and therefor IE 11, are all showing this problem: as I type text into the editor in Xenforo, random keystrokes are just ignored and response is sluggish. I tested IE in "no addons mode" and there was no change, so that's not it.
  8. fist34

    XF 1.2 Strange intermittant permission error since 1.2

    I receive it just when I try to view a new page after not having used it for a while. I also get it if I try to log in after I have been logged out for a while. But I can't make it fail just by logging out and back in.
  9. fist34

    XF 1.2 Strange intermittant permission error since 1.2

    Only Resource Manager, and it's a vital part of the forum.
  10. fist34

    XF 1.2 Strange intermittant permission error since 1.2

    After upgrading to 1.2 I am intermittently getting the following error: "You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action." This is on my own admin account. It happens if I have been idle for a while so I guess it has to do with not being logged in. But I am getting this...
  11. fist34

    [bd] Attachment Store [Deleted] Click S3 on left.
  12. fist34

    RM 1.0 Allow moderators to post updates?

    Just to make sure I understand, the design intention is to report a resource as updated by someone who did not update it? :confused: I can certainly understand that it works that way for a reason, but seems odd that it is the desired behavior.
  13. fist34

    [bd] Attachment Store [Deleted]

    $120. The first 10TB are billed at $0.12/GB. There are also charges for gets and puts, but those are extremely minimal. Sign up for a AWS account, all the details are there.
  14. fist34

    RM 1.0 Allow moderators to post updates?

    Also, when the resource is reassigned, the version history incorrectly lists the updates as having been submitted by the current owner, not the one who actually did the update.
  15. fist34

    RM 1.0 Allow moderators to post updates?

    It seems the only way I can update a resource posted by one of my users is to reassign the resource to myself, post the update, and reassign it back to them. This is cumbersome -- is there a way for Administrators to be given permission to post updates to resources regardless of ownership?
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