Recent content by Eelviny

  1. Eelviny

    Force users to login with email?

    Would be great to have an add-on sometime from somebody though, since not everyone is proficient enough to even begin touching PHP I'm sure.
  2. Eelviny

    XenForo Admin using Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop

    In that dialog box, put in: s The directory part is optional, but that's how you operate it. A box then appears to enter a username and password if it needs it. I've only ever used sftp through Nautilus, but I'm guessing the ssh...
  3. Eelviny

    Add-on XenPorta 2.0 Portal & Framework Crowd-Fund!

    Would really like for embedded videos in the news post to be Responsive, like how they are in the forum threads. Might be a small thing, but when there's a YouTube video pinned up at the top of the front page, mobile users comment on it often!
  4. Eelviny

    Force users to login with email?

    I'd quite like something like this. Improves security greatly.
  5. Eelviny

    Add-on [Paying] Virtual Goods Storefront

    No longer got interest in this; I've come up with an alternate solution. But if someone else feels that this would be useful, I might be interested again ;)
  6. Eelviny

    [8WR] XenCarta (Wiki) PRO [Paid]

    I agree that this is needed too... A wiki holds information, that is it's point, but I want to be able to give information to only staff members.
  7. Eelviny

    Add-on [Paying] Virtual Goods Storefront

    Good thing I'm leaving plenty of time for this to be completed ;) But still, I don't have or plan to use the Resource Manager. But, if it's needed just for the payment solution, so be it.
  8. Eelviny

    Add-on [Paying] Virtual Goods Storefront

    Anyone willing to do this? I do realise it's not a simple thing.
  9. Eelviny

    Bitcoin is now mainstream - Add Bitcoin as a payment option

    Coinbase for Bitcoin is nice for handling transactions. Just a suggestion, even if it's the integration part you're looking for.
  10. Eelviny

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Fixed - Seems I did indeed set a widget page to an index page ages ago. I simply created a new widget page, made it the index page, then unset it. Then deleted it. Can any changes be made for that? As in, it unsets the index page on deletion. Caused me a little bit of a headache.
  11. Eelviny

    Add-on [Paying] Virtual Goods Storefront

    Oh, almost forgot: It would need to make use of the Custom Fields on users, so I can, for example, make the script use variables, so that the user's in-game name is used.
  12. Eelviny

    Add-on [Paying] Virtual Goods Storefront

    Well, I want the add-on to have enough flexibility and customizability, but I would use it for this: ssh 'bash /home/' so it would simply fire off a script on my games server. I don't think that needs root access or anything.
  13. Eelviny

    Add-on [Paying] Virtual Goods Storefront

    Hey there. Currently designing my new website and I don't see any good shop add-ons for my needs. So, here's a quick brief on what I need: A store that will execute Linux commands on item purchase, with money going through PayPal. I see Xenforo already has some functionality for this, with...
  14. Eelviny

    [bd] Widget Framework

    Still having problems - changed the index to different pages, removed Widget Framework, and all I can say right now is that it works fine without the add-on and strangely with. I'll see if it's a clash with another add-on. I'm really not sure at all what's causing it.
  15. Eelviny

    [bd] Widget Framework

    I might have set it at one time in the past and done that (can't remember), but I've updated the index for a normal page a while ago.
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