Recent content by doli

  1. doli

    How can I list liked posts ?

    How can I list liked posts? I'd like to know what kind of posts people 'like', I know there are somes as it shows me likes in 'daily stats' but can't find a way to list them all ...
  2. doli

    Confirmation email and {board_title} problem

    Probably fixed it, looks like in user_email_confirmation_body_text it's {board_title} and {board} in _html (I just copy paste _text translation into _html)
  3. doli

    Confirmation email and {board_title} problem

    Hi, I'm translating xenforo to polish on my forum, and found a problem with confirmation email, it looks like this: {username}, W celu zakończenia rejestracji na {board_title}, musisz potwierdzić aktywację konta przez kliknięcie w poniższy link. {confirm_link} Dziękujemy za rejestrację...
  4. doli

    Fanpage likes under logo

    Yep, check it in firebug, when I view source code it's 'fb-like' only. In firebug it looks like these classess are added by browser (I'm just learning but looks like some browser script adds it)
  5. doli

    Fanpage likes under logo

    Sorry it's test/test. It's funny, when I add it via firebug it works fine, when I add it in templates it adds these classes. Do you have facebook applications setup on your xenforo ?
  6. doli

    Fanpage likes under logo

    Hi, I'm trying to add facebook Like - Count button under my forum logo. I expermineted with templates and firebug and managed to set it up correctly. Added this code below my logo: <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-send="false"...
  7. doli

    sitename to sitename/forum redirection

    Hi, I managed to move my forum from to xenforo, old one was domainname*com and now i moved forum to domainname*com/forum . The last thing left is setting 301 redirect from domainname*com -> domainname*com/forum . What's the best way to do it? (all other vbulletin migration redirections are...
  8. doli

    What style property for this?

    Ok, looks like it's in style properties but "Style Properties: Discussion List" not "PageNav, Link Groups and Tabs". Thanks for help. Strange: background color and border works from style properties, text color does not :/
  9. doli

    What style property for this?

    Nope, doesn't work :(
  10. doli

    What style property for this?

    In the forum view(threads list), when you have long thread and you move mouse over the thread title it shows pagenav boxes next to author, and start date. I want to change their border, background and text color. ps. I tested this .itemPageNav a span { color:green; } But it doesn't change...
  11. doli

    What style property for this?

    Are you sure? As I tried all these options and none had changed this element :/
  12. doli

    What style property for this?

    Have last question I think :), the same one different element: Where can I change these pagenav links ? border and background ...
  13. doli

    What style property for this?

    Help pls :) I cannot find what style property I should update to change color of these Title/Start Date, Replies, Views, Last Message text.
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