Recent content by Dermot

  1. Dermot

    XF 2.2 Error: Class "Less_Tree_Anonymous" not found

    Seems /src/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Tree/Anonymous.php wasn't transferred right, replaced and all is good now (y)
  2. Dermot

    XF 2.2 Error: Class "Less_Tree_Anonymous" not found

    Currently moving to a new host and have got most things working fine now on new host bar this issue preventing CSS in EXTRA.less loading properly. Is it a cache issue? Running PHP 8 native Error message: Error: Class "Less_Tree_Anonymous" not found...
  3. Dermot

    Lack of interest NFT Avatars!

    what has nfts got to do with young users?
  4. Dermot

    XF 2.1 Material design icons in user banners

    Looks something like.. .admin{background-color:red;color:#fff;font-size:0px;border-radius:50%} .admin:hover{font-family:"Roboto";font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;padding:1px 1px 1px 1px;border-radius:2px;-webkit-transition:all .5s ease-in-out;transition:all .5s ease-in-out}...
  5. Dermot

    XF 2.2 New alert dropdown text color

    maybe play around with.. .contentRow-main.contentRow-main--close { background-color: red; } .alert { background-color: red; } alert js-alert menu-row menu-row--separated menu-row--clickable{ background-color: red } these three should do the same thing
  6. Dermot

    XF 2.2 New alert dropdown text color

    i mean after Alli, is it a comment, a reply..
  7. Dermot

    XF 2.2 New alert dropdown text color

    Be nice if you highlighted the white part so we can see which alert it is
  8. Dermot

    XF 2.1 Using Regex to block gmail spam accounts

    While that is an option, i'd rather not block a popular e-mail domain entirely if i don't need to.
  9. Dermot

    XF 2.1 Using Regex to block gmail spam accounts

    See a lot of the following types of accounts signing up, examples are below .. is using the registration regex below recommended. /(?:\.|\+.*)(?=.*?@gmail\.com)/gm ..and is it even...
  10. Dermot

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    well that would make sense if they were rate limiting and say limit was 20 and you had 50 channels added, you would only get 20 right responses and therefore erratic results ensue. but its not very clear what they're up to but plugin might need an update to abide by the changes, or it may not.
  11. Dermot

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    probably to do with upcoming twitch api changes and restrictions, requiring oauth etc ..but i could be wrong
  12. Dermot

    XF2 [8WR] XenRio 2 (Streams) PRO [Paid]

    To write my reply a little bit more clear, The API uses a game name to identify it, when you add a game under Games, It must be in a format the streaming service can understand and you can set the category there under that game.
  13. Dermot

    Conditional Statements for XenForo 2

    reverse it maybe? <xf:if is="!$xf.visitor.user_id AND in_array(!$forum.node_id, [10,12,15])"> mind you, im on my phone and not tried it.
  14. Dermot

    [Jazzaaf] Move Installable Add-ons

    why are you posting your addon's in a template modifications thread? shouldn't it be in addon releases?
  15. Dermot

    Remove last post avatars [Paid]

    doesn't this do the same thing? .node-extra-icon { display: none; }
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