Recent content by DennisSkov

  1. DennisSkov

    XF 1.4 Folder permissions

    Hi, I moved my installation of XenForo from a webhost to my own server, and somehow the folder permissions got messed up, and ownership was transferred to root, which I have now fixed. I manually chmodded data and internal_data to 777 (recursively), but I'm wondering if I messed something up...
  2. DennisSkov

    Is it work buying Xenforo if you run a non-profitable forum?

    Do you want to go with shared hosting or a VPS?
  3. DennisSkov

    Is it work buying Xenforo if you run a non-profitable forum?

    Depends on the OS. It's similar in Windows - You can install something called XAMPP or WAMP which is essentially the same as LAMP. The rest pf the instructions are pretty much the same. That is, if you want to host the software yourself. If you just want to go with shared hosting, everything is...
  4. DennisSkov

    Is it work buying Xenforo if you run a non-profitable forum?

    I agree, but OP wanted to know how he can host the software himself :-)
  5. DennisSkov

    Is it work buying Xenforo if you run a non-profitable forum?

    Oh, I see. Well, I can try to help a bit. You'll either need a VPS or a dedicated server. If your community is small, you shouldn't need a dedicated server. VPS is in many cases the most affordable solution. I'd go with a small VPS with Linux. I only have experience hosting on Debian (a Linux...
  6. DennisSkov

    Is it work buying Xenforo if you run a non-profitable forum?

    Do you have a server/VPS? What OS do you plan on hosting on?
  7. DennisSkov

    Is it work buying Xenforo if you run a non-profitable forum?

    I think you can answer the question yourself. Does a free alternative such as MyBB or phpBB cover your needs? If XenForo is, then it's definately worth the money. You don't have to spend on anything but the license.
  8. DennisSkov

    XF 1.4 Show advertisements, but allow users to buy an upgrade to avoid them

    Great, everything is working. Thanks for the help, @Brogan!
  9. DennisSkov

    XF 1.4 Show advertisements, but allow users to buy an upgrade to avoid them

    Great, thanks for the help. For now I'll just wait :)
  10. DennisSkov

    XF 1.4 Show advertisements, but allow users to buy an upgrade to avoid them

    Hi, Thanks for the links, Brogan. Right now I'm just trying to get the ads working on the site, but I'm having some issues. After implementing one of the ad codes in a template (ad_thread_list_below_stickies in this example), I can see that the ad now has a place, but it's just white. It...
  11. DennisSkov

    XF 1.4 Show advertisements, but allow users to buy an upgrade to avoid them

    Aloha, peeps So, I recently was kicked out from home, I'm soon going to be fired (not actually fired, there's just no more work to be done after November 1st), so I need to think about where and how I spend my money. It sounds worse than it really is. I've always been a little against...
  12. DennisSkov

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

  13. DennisSkov

    s9e Media BBCodes pack

    In Firefox, the iframe for Imgur items are way too big: Onsdag D.29 Åbner kæmpe server!
  14. DennisSkov

    Duplicate Show full thread title in tooltop on hover on 'New Posts' and 'New Resources'

    Title pretty much speaks for itself. Some threads have long titles and some have a prefix. It would be neat if users were able to see the full name on hover.
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