Recent content by Davidpbj

  1. Davidpbj

    XF 2.0 Where do I edit the terms and privacy policy?

    Thanks... Can anyone tell me the specific DB tables where I can extract the TOS/Privacy policies?
  2. Davidpbj

    XF 2.0 Where do I edit the terms and privacy policy?

    Hi, what is the actual location of the privacy policy, as I have a non-functioning board that I'd like to extract the TOS/Privacy policies from via FTP? Thanks.
  3. Davidpbj

    Tickets [Paid]

    @NixFifty, any updates on XF2?
  4. Davidpbj

    LastPost Preview [Deleted]

    Hi, great addon. I'm still a noob at XenForo so how do I style it within the ACP? Thanks!
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